1998 Nissan Primera GT Pt3

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Time for some of the heavy work and hard work.

Time to remove the little over 200hp engine from the silver GT. It’s not a hard task if you know what your doing and doesn’t take that long.

The silver GT was moved to the side as more parts had still to be removed.

A quick guide on how to remove the P11 GT engine and other Primera models.
tools required.

10,12,14,17mm spanners
10,12,14,17,19,21,27. 36mm sockets
Breaker bar
Good trolley jack and high axle stands

1. Disconnect and remove battery (2x 10mm nuts)
2. remove air box/filter or what ever you have and MAF and intake pipe
3 remove vac pipes from plenum (one for brake and one going to canister)
4. Remove battery tray (4 x 10mm bolts) Clips for harness and relay box (clip this out way
5. Remove wiring from alternator (1x 12mm and 1x 8mm nuts (replace nuts so not to loose)
6. Remove earth straps 2 of, one just above alt one at thermostat both 12mm bolts
7. Unplug dizzy and O2 sensor
8. Unplug injector 1 and 2 and unplug connecter block on bracket at 3and 4 cylinders and TPS connector and unclip cables
9. Either unbolt the cable track (one on cam cover) and remove 2x10mm or unclip top and remove loom
10. Unplug temp sensors (2of) just back of where oil filter is (GT engine)
11. Undo 4x 10mm bolts on back of plenum (2 are earths and bracket 2 are power steering hose bracket
12. Unplug gearbox cables 3 plugs, unbolt clutch bracket 2x12mm and unclip cable
13. Undo both fuel pipes from engine side (you will have to block both pipes or you will have a flow of fuel (use a bolt)   
14. Jack up car removing both front wheels and place car on axle stands
15 remove front bumper
16 check height of radiator support panel to ground (you need 28″ clearance)
17. loosen both CV bolts 36mm
18, loosen top link on both sides 17mm
19 loosen lower shock mounts 17mm and pull CV out of hub
20. From back loosen starter cables (1 spade terminal and one 13mm nut) unclip from clip and move out of way
21 loosen gear selector rod (13mm nut and bolt watch the 2 bushes) and the stabiliser rod 14mm bolt and move out of way
22 remove down pipe from cat (depends on what you have here OEM bolts are 14mm)
23 remove downpipe from manifold 3x 14mm (again depends on what your have)
24. Remove crossmember bolts ( 4x17mm bolts) use caution with front ones.
25. Take weight of engine on jack (place under crossmember)
26. Drain coolant, remove bottom rad hose (catch in bucket)
27. Remove top rad hose and unplug/clip both fan cables
28 remove 2x 10mm nuts from rad brackets and remove brackets and rad
29. Undo 2 coolant hoses on bulkhead and clip them up somewhere out the way on engine
30. Undo PAS hose going to pump (catch fluid)
31. Undo top PAS hose 27mm bolt (replace bolt with 2 cooper washers for safe keep)
32. Final check to make sure everything is disconnected from car to engine.
33. Remove the gearbox mount 4x 14mm bolts
34. Remove the engine mount 3x14mm nuts
35. Slowly lower Jack and as its lowered check that nothing is caught,
36. Once on jack using a lift and little then remove from jack and drag out.

Another way to remove the engine harness is to remove the harness with the engine. To do this you need to unplug the ECU and pull the cable through the firewall. Then unplug the 3 cables on the left side fuse box just behind the headlamp.

This is alot easier than unplugging everything as you can deal with that when the engine is out.

You then can split the box from the engine and anything else needed, remember to watch the driver side drive shaft as it will fall out easy and spill fluid everywhere once the bracket is removed from engine block (3x14mm bolts)

1998 Nissan Primera GT Pt2

1998 Nissan Primera GT Pt4
